If you really want to get back to the basics of living, try making your own pemmican.
This simplistic food consists nothing more than meat, animal fat, and occasionally dried fruit, but don't let the simplicity of the ingredients fool you. Pemmican is rich in protein, fat, and vitamins.
If you're looking for a food that you can make and take on your next trip, we got a pemmican recipe for you to try. If you like it enough, you can make it in large batches and save some of it just in case.
You can check out the entire recipe on the next page and learn how to make pemmican like the Native Americans did!
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Nice,but I was thinking in the old days they buried it in the ground for a length of time to cure. Cool
The lard can easily be replaced by 100% pure raw honey..and crushed peanuts can give it a peanut butter flavor if allergies aren’t an issue
Colton McCall
Not a snack, folks. Survival food. Tastes about as good as a cold, slimy, half reconstituted pork patty from the first MRE’S.