An Effective Crossbow Can Be Made With Simple Materials, Creating An Excellent Weapon For That Survival Situation. Learn How To Make It HERE:
When in a SHTF situation, being able to craft a weapon out of whatever you can find will be a valuable skill to have. After all, when you are in a prolonged survival situation, eventually your ammunition will run out, no matter how much you have.
In that event, you'll want to be able to wield a weapon for which you can simply craft more ammunition, like a bow.
In this case, the bow is a uniquely-shaped, yet highly effective, crossbow made from some wire, a chunk of wood, a couple of lengths of metal from chair legs, some pulleys, and a spring. Crafting it is easy and not very time-consuming, which makes it a great just-in-case scenario weapon for a survival situation.
To learn how to put this simple yet effective crossbow together, check out the next page.
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