Having your own pigs takes a lot of preparation and effort. You want to make sure that your pigs are eating enough and grow at a proper rate.
Before they're even ready to be butchered, it's important to weigh them so that they aren't slaughtered before they've grown to their full size.
If you're a farmer, then you already know what a struggle it can sometimes be to get your hog on a scale and weigh it.
Luckily, this article will show you a simple and easy way to estimate your pig's weight without using a scale!
This simple formula will make weigh-ins a lot easier!
Find out how you can calculate the weight of a pig without using a scale on the next page.
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John Wayne
Without looking measure from behind the ears to the start of the tale, Then measure around the middle behind his front legs, then download an app from the app store then type the measurements into it. That’s how I done it!