The following provides some guidelines on how to successfully conceal yourself. Some of these ideas may be considered impractical in warmer clients or during the summer months, so you may have to adjust accordingly.
Now for the tips you've been waiting for:
Wear sunglasses during the daylight hours…breaking up the potential to photograph your eyes, the way they are set into your face, and any eye movements that might give away what you are doing (what you’re getting ready to do).
Wear a hat, especially one that covers up the ears. Baseball caps are fine, but they really focus on the ears – their shape and proximity to the side of your head – for identification purposes. The caps also bust up the curvature of your head and also hide the hair and hair patterns.
Wear scarves, turtlenecks, and other clothing such as balaclavas to break up the outline of the neck.
Gloves: hide the hands, your marital status, and scars, fingernails, or other prominent features…even the fingerprints can be photographed.
Layered clothing: yes, this is great to protect from the cold, but I’ll give you another reason to wear it. The Doctrine of Contrasting Colors. For a “real-time” view of this look no further than the movie “The Recruit” with Colin Farrell and Al Pacino. Farrell escaped from his pursuers by shedding the outer layer of his clothing and reversing the jacket. You can do the same. Make the green sweatshirt disappear when the need arises with a change to a tan polypro top with a zippered neck.
Rule of Thumb: “When the Need Arises.” Yes, you can pack yourself a small “kit” with darker-toned makeup/lighter-toned makeup such as skin cream, and also hats of various types different from the ones you normally use. A wig may be a quick fix to turn your hair from brown to blonde. There are also movie supply sites you can visit that will sell you real mustaches actually made from human hair. Sound stupid? It won’t if you use it and it keeps you out of a cell. This measure is for when it’s really hitting the fan…not for “day to day” activities.
Another big problem to overcome with all of this surveillance is the fact that most people have their constantly clicking and snapping little phone-cameras to take pictures of every single thing on the planet within their “biome,” and it’s these individuals who serve as “silent witnesses” to help the surveillance state gather as much info as they can. In addition, let’s not forget that every photo you post, twitter, place on Facebook, or download in any capacity does indeed become “scarfed up” by the government. That $50-billion-dollar facility in Utah wasn’t built to help out Olan Mills with their photography work.
So as you can see, layered clothing is key when trying to overcome the surveillance issue. follow these tips and it should help offset the modern technology, which even if an EMP were to knock technology out, these skills are excellent to keep in mind for becoming a “grey man” during a collapse.
If you enjoyed these tips and want to learn more about how to conceal your identity, be sure to check out SHTFplan.com.

A step by step lesson to help criminals avoid facial recognition. I’m sure the average law abiding citizen doesn’t need tips on how to hide their identity.
How About it’s just none of their damn business.
Our licenses are to be used with this technology. I doubt it can be avoided unless you just don’t drive or travel