In a survival setting, or just camping, a secure shelter to protect a person from the elements is critical.
You must protect yourself from the elements and depending on your situation, possibly from wildlife; every year there are stories about people camping in tents who get attacked by a bear.
Most of us would opt for the more traditional tent, but one option is to build a portable Yurt.
Yurts are round, tent-like structures that are then covered with materials ranging from wool to felt to animal skins (which is how they built them on the Steppes of Central Asia.
This awesome design for a Yurt does not include animal skins and is fairly complex, but when constructed would provide a person with a roomy and safe shelter.
On the next page, we show you how to build this amazing, portable Yurt.
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Frank Harris
You had to try out the lyrics so you sang that as you read it didn’t you?
Protection from a bear? How?
Donna Spicer