In a survival situation, hand signals are vital to being able to communicate and not be heard.
Every member of your team should know basic hand signals to allow for seamless communications in tactical maneuvers.
Often because of extraneous factors, non verbal communications is paramount in a survival situation.
It might not be to avoid someone – directing someone to head to the basement in an extreme weather event, for instance, if the noise level is too high for normal communications, can be a life-saver.
For more information on hand signals you have to know as a survivalist, please visit Urban Survival Network.

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Chad N Beth Hetrick
Brett Wynder
Juan Solis Carlos
Jennifer Bailey
This is what you and Chad do in the box?
GFOH…. Mess around and Get Shot, lol….
Kate Falkenthal
Captainboatweel Captainboatweel Most
I like this one
Anybody recognize this signal??!!!!
Funny stuff right here now.
My personal favorite is “$#%&!@*this, I’m a helicopter now”.
Cover me I’m fucked
^^^^ booooom FTW!!!
Was just gonna post that! It’s the most important one!
This is the first one you should learn.
Steven Zafonte
Caleb Richards
they need charts for these 6 hand signals? humm
They forgot the one hand signal most important to the average citizen, which is the one they use to communicate with other drivers.
If anyone ever intends to operate/survive with a group in an intense situation. Noise and light discipline is very important practice.
I only know one hand signal. Came with my first driver license in NY.
Aaron Rayburn.
If all fails flail around like a flailing arm inflatable tube man until your fire team shrugs and does the exact opposite of what you wanted – my first sergeant from bct
Ha ha. Yes
Blake Evermoen u know what this reminds me of..
When we were teenagers, my sister and I used sign language to have conversations in church.
What’s the signal for “wait a minute, I have to poop”
Tyler Lang
Short hand of ASL?
Even kids know these signs lol.
Scott Bartz
You should post military hand and arm signals.
These are either made up, foreign and translated or used by SWAT/Police
forgot one
perhaps the most important hand sign of all
Lol when I was a kid in school I had to write out what that meant because I gave my teacher the bird lol. Good times.
Why should “every” survivalist know this?
Forgot this one
Christopher J Vaughn
Damon Kimbrough if you want to learn hand and arm signals. Please don’t use this crayon eater$#%&!@*
No kiddin…
Doesn’t everyone know these already? My dog knows most of them.
Meshell Burnett
Sign language for idiots.