If you take the time to think about some of the most dangerous animals in our world, the largest, fiercest predators probably come to mind. You've likely dreamed about these animals or seen them on a film, which has only intensified your fear since they have big teeth and large claws. You know, like that bear who attacks Hugh Glass in The Revenant.
Yes, you're right to be afraid of large animals because many are dangerous, however, so are the smaller ones. In fact, usually, these animals are just as — if not more — deadly.
Many of the menacing animals out there don't make the news when they cause a fatality. Thes animals are silent killers that look innocent but in reality, they're not. These are the blood-curling animals you should stay away from at all costs (except #10 may be a challenge).
After the break, you'll be in shock when you find out what the 10 most dangerous animals in the world are. The first animal you've probably read about before, but it's unlikely that you really know what it is capable of!
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Why is kim k not on here
I’m number 1
i thought number 10 would be white people
The most dangerous animal in us is white tailed deer. They account for over half of all wild animal caused fatalities. They are more than everything else combined. Honey bees are a distant second.
Where’s Kanye West on this list?
Human is by far the worst
My guess is Mosquitos & Humans are among the most deadly.
Liberals ?
Why didn’t I see liberal democrats on this list?!
f**k you..get over the racism bullshit..all its doing is keeping us all distracted from who we should ALL be fighting against..not each other…
what your people lmao
the truth is not racism
Hillary Clinton is the most dangerous snake
Yep its hillary our next president legal or not she is a snake in the grass
If i am not mistaken the King Cobra is the largest venomous snake.
Hillary “twatapotamus” Clinton. Lol
There’s a lot more than 10 here
You forgot$#%&!@*Sapien