Assemble A Primitive Blowgun In Less Than An Hour And Hunt For Food With Your Blowgun Like A Prepper Pro!
One of the most primitive weapons is the blowgun, but in some parts of the world, the native tribes still rely on this ancient weapon as their primary hunting weapon for one reason: they work.
Well, there are actually several reasons. They are highly accurate (pin a fly to a tree exact), nearly silent and they are simple to make. There is next to no maintenance and making the darts is much less time consuming than making arrows, and you can carry much more of them. So yeah, a lot of reasons.
If you find yourself in the wilderness and can scrounge together the materials, making a primitive blowgun should take under an hour, and it will provide you with a means of bringing down birds and small mammals, which are more than enough to keep you going for awhile.
Want to learn how to make quickly a blowgun from simple materials? Then head to the next page!
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