Of all aspects of a SHTF situation, the one that generally interests most people is the aspect of weaponry. In reality, it will likely be a very small area of concern in most real-world applications, but it’s that one time in a hundred in which not having one is really going to threaten your chances of survival.
Many preppers answer this need by stocking up on as many firearms and ammunition as they can get their hands on. However, unless you are also stocking up on cleaning and repair kits, eventually those weapons are going to fail.
When that happens, knowing how to craft your own innovative weapons is going to mark the survivors from those lying in ditches.
Keep yourself above the ground with the 5 homemade weapons tutorials on the next page.
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Dustin M Pryor
Kris Nguyen
Those were ridiculous.
I am sick if having to go to multiple pages.
Yes! Sites make us do that to get more “clicks”, to increase their ad revenue. But some spread a tiny amount of content over so many pages, with so many ads to load on each page, that it annoys me & I simply quit the page.
I am at that point. The content will decide that shortly.
Them pop ups yo. Knife, gun, and hatchet. I’ll just buy those now and take them with me later.
try putting content on one page..instead of loading it up for click bait.. thats how you loose people on the net btw.
Ian Munro . cool s**t
Matthew Creswell