We wanted to share this fun and clever video for you made by a creative lady who took her grandkids out for an overnight camping trip.
Instead of pitching a typical tent she made one in the back of her truck, using PVC pipe and a large tarp. It’s a terrific and economical way to get away from it all without having to pay the price. She tells us that a kit can be store-bought for a couple hundred dollars but her own version was much, much less!
She gives some good tips on how to remain dry in your tent during a rainstorm and also shows us supper, what she brought along for the kids and herself to eat during the long night to follow. Oh, and there is a brief mention of bathroom facilities. It’s not a pretty conversation but sometimes we just need to know! LoL.
Go to page two and take a look at her video. Check out the construction. It’s pretty darn impressive!
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Chris VanCleave
Jason Bones
Matt Helleckson
Mac Cook