Can you envision your best possible scenario for survival when the worst case occurs? I imagine it would include getting yourself and your loved ones out of harm’s way. Would it also include a vast array of survival supplies? Would it include a comfortable shelter, far from the prying eyes of strangers?
Well, take a look at this remarkable underground fallout shelter constructed out of galvanized corrugated pipe. It might just be the shelter of your dreams.
It’s located about 20 feet below the ground. This cylinder shaped structure is about 10 times as strong as square shaped bunkers, and it can last up for a few hundred years.
It has room to sleep over 10 people, a command center for surveillance, and even an electric fireplace. Jealous yet? Just wait 'til you see it on the video after the break!
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Where’s the galley..??? Food storage..?? Not impressed…
Mark Kuhns
Would be nice to have a nice place to build one maybe after I sell my house in raytown
Austin Blake Conner
Good luck
Their good points only work if they are not found. Works ok if you are using them as a storm shelter, or storage. If the shtf you better be the only one that survives that knows about them, because your friends, cousins, neighbors, the people that helped you build it are going to remember it. Best it would be a do it yourself project even if took a couple years.
Most people can’t think outside the box to hid such a build though.
It’s much easier to build a cache than a bunker and keep it secret.
Andy Ulrich Very true, most people don’t have the room to put something like this. You could always tell your Nosey neighbors that your digging a swimming pool. Then after its finished, tell them you changed your mind and covered the hole up. Lol . Also if there is a nuke attack you may survive in the bunker but sooner or later you got to come out into the radiation that’s left. It comes down to if you are in the wrong place in relation to where the nukes hit your choice is die fast or die slow.
Park a truck on the hatch and abandon the scene and its party over. Better have an alternate escape door
How about making a artificial rock ,tree Trunk , or some other realistic cover over the hatch .
Tammy Pullen
got my thyroid supply lol
flood might be a problem
Couple shipping container welded tkogether buried half down with extra steel plating ,gun ports and second access out
You’re locked away in your new bunker, generator fails, air ventilation shuts down, lights go out, survailence/ command center goes down. So you open the hatch to go check the generator, party over???
A cave is a grave….
A cave is a grave
Oh and this thing isn’t?
Death trap… Kinda like a roach motel… They check in … But never check out
I always wanted to live in a culvert with ten other people !!! FUNNNNNNN
And Hilary is endorsed by yet another hate group the blm so I guess it’s ok right
10 Cloverfield Lane.
Zach Norman
Not if I have a closed system and a CO2 recycler.
Parks Marsh In 30 years of building BOL’s for people I am yet to see one let alone more than a hand full of people who could afford one. And think the system you are reffering to is a CO2 Scrubber.
No I’d place a car over it so entrance is in the boot that stands out pillage me !!!!
Thinking the same thing, myself.
Mad Max, Road warrior…
Allen Biltoft,Lori Biltoft
Nice death trap with the generator start button in plain view….I d I o t
Really a big screen tv. Space could’ve been used for something needed. Ammo.
Richard Atworth
Fantastic, were is your food stored and how is waste disposed of. Especially human waste. Also how do you get water?
How much????
A door that opens outward is only a tomb.
It’s not secret if it’s on FB.
Pretty damn cool
Jeffrey Dommer
Food storage?
What good is a bomb shelter when you come out to a desecrated world.
I don’t know, the rust factor is what bothers me. Like in what 10-20 yrs you will have to replace it do to rust.
To start over again.
10 people would kill each other after 20 days in there! No food, supplies, guns?