If you are facing a survival situation where your only water source is undrinkable or worse, dangerous to drink, a solar still is one way of ensuring you get drinkable water that is free of parasites, bacteria, viruses and most chemicals.
While there are many ways of purifying water, you may not have any available in a survival situation and in a long-term survival situation, you will eventually run out of purifying methods.
While there are many different designs, this particular still is a little more sophisticated than most.
It is better suited for a longer term survival situation, where you have the time to search for and locate the needed materials.
It also is the type of equipment that you could build before a survival situation and have on hand to pull out if the situation arises.
The video on the next page shows you how to make this effective and relatively inexpensive solar still!
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I’m wondering if the added surface area that would be gained from using a corrugated material would improve the efficiency.