Usually the worst you have to worry about when having dinner is eating too much and having wicked heartburn or just going to bed with an upset stomach. Or you could burn your tongue.
Very few people these days have to worry about their meal biting back in any other way.
Except Bear Grylls. In his usual fashion, he seeks to satisfy his hunger in new and interesting ways. As usual, things don't quite go according to plan.
Spying a colorful snake hanging out in a tree, he whips out his survival knife and pulls the snake down to make short work of it.
But the snake isn't going down without a fight, and Bear soon finds that a quick bite can often bite back. Watch the scene unfold on this incredible video on the next page.
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I think he puts on a good show !! He knows more about the jungle and he can survive … I’m sure
Hes no Les Stroud.survivorman