Stealth camping, as its name implies, is a system of camping in which people don't know you're doing it. As you can imagine, this form of camping is often performed for unlawful purposes like trespassing or camping in restricted areas of national or state parks. However, it can be a very effective practice for bugging out when SHTF. Learn more below.
It's probably important at this point to say that Die Hard Survivor in no way condones or endorses trespassing or camping in undesignated or ecologically fragile locations. Besides, where's the fun in camping if you have to set up in the dark and leave before daylight?
Stealth camping is still a great lesson to learn for future bug outs, because while thinking that someone is following you all the time right now is paranoid, worrying about being followed when SHTF could very well save your life. So practice responsibly.
This is an excellent lesson that is rarely covered in such depth and from people who actually do this on a regular basis.