Encountering a tick is an inevitable reality if you hang out in the great outdoors in all but the cooler areas in North America.
Even then, in recent years, finding ticks have become more familiar and their “season” seems to have started a lot earlier than it used to.
Suffering from a bite from a tick is annoying and scary, but it also can lead to graver consequences.
Ticks are actually ectoparasites and arachnids, which translates to them being parasites that feed on their host. They feed on a host externally as opposed to tapeworms, for example, that feed on their host internally.
These annoying bugs can carry a host of pathogens, including viruses, protozoa, bacteria, and more. And depending on where you live the diseases a tick carries can vary.
Worse, if you do experience a tick bite the bite region can become infected from leftover tick parts.
This is why it's important to remove it from your person as soon as you can and if you do get bit by one it's vital to remove it carefully. The next page will show you how to remove a tick using an ingenious tool because some ticks have a hard time separating themselves from your skin — ick!
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That’s not a tick; that’s a democrat…,
That’s the problem, you voted for them, and you got them.
I’ve tried not voting, and the results were the same
Put rubbing alcohol on it and it will let go