NASA's recent discovery of 7 newly discovered Earth-sized planets promoted a lot of excitement from people with the possibility that other intelligent beings beyond our planet exist. Even NASA expressed their own thoughts of potential alien life.
The planets haven't been spotted yet, but NASA scientists speculate the planets exist based on the data they researched. There is still a possibility that their findings were wrong.
The interest in alien life is nothing new. For the last 70-something years, people have been dreaming about exploring outer space and meeting other intelligent beings. Although NASA has made some serious discoveries pertaining our solar system, we are still nowhere near confirming the existence of alien life.
According to NASA' s discovery, the 7 new planets appear to have favorable conditions for water. Water is a key element for all living creatures on this planet, so one would assume that water is necessary for all living creatures.
You can find out more about NASA's recent quest to find life on other planets on the next page.
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There super Dragonballs and there gunna use them to make a wish with shenron
We all know that there is other more advanced life out there & here on Earth for thousands / millions of years!!
We have to build a reservation device on the moon